Control your ship using the thruster thumbpad on the lower left of the game screen. Push up to fly forward, down to fly in reverse, and left or right to turn. Different ships fly differently, so experiement with the thumbpad and combinations of controls (down and left, for example) to see what happens.
Fire your weapons using the buttons at the bottom right of the game screen.
Fire your main weapons using the green button.
Fire your special weapons using the red button.
At the top of the game screen, you will see two bars (one green, the other red).
The green bar shows how much shield health you have left. If it runs out, then your ship will be vulnerable to damage.
The red bar shows your weapon energy. Each time you fire a weapon, you will drain a bit of this bar. Get low on weapon energy, and you will not be able to fire your weapons.
Both bars slowly recharge over time.
Other Buttons:
Bring up the in-game menu. In Off-Line Arcade play, this will also pause the game.
Bring up the chat keyboard. This button only appears in On-Line play.
Hitting this button will destroy your ship. In Online play, you will then respawn (creditting a kill to the last player that damaged you). In Offline play, you will lose a life. This button only becomes active if you have lost one or more parts off your ship.
Arrows appear at the edges of the screen... red arrows guide you to enemy ships. In On-Line Multiplayer games, yellow arrows guide you to powerup bouys.