R:CD Combat Images

These images were taken while flying around the Zen Fleet at Saturn. I launched a dozen or so enemy pods and tri-thrusters, as well as a couple of friendly Veritechs to help keep them busy. I switched back and forth between cockpit and external cameras through the battle, as well as transforming to Guardian mode halfway through the combat.

The Zen Fleet (note the scale of the Zen Scout flying past the flagship... that little guy is 1/2 mile long!)

Combat begins! (red lasers are the Veritechs, blue are the enemy ships)

Getting fired at (note the damaged pod trailing smoke)

Damaged pod trying to evading me

I got hit!

Pod exploding into pieces

Another pod trailing smoke

Better view of the smoke trailing pod

Pod exploding in the classic anime explosion

Taking damage just as a pod explodes

Pod about to crash into me

Above the rings of Saturn

Hit while chasing my target pod

Just damaged the pod

Another anime-type explosion

Heading into the fleet


Launching a homing missile

Got the pod with the missile

Two missiles homing in on target

Launching cluster missiles!

Cluster missiles hit their target

Launching homing missile at a Tri-thruster

On a Tri-thruster's tail

Kergen berates me for attacking a Tri-thruster

Homing missile about to smash a Tri

The Zen Command Ship

Zen pod firing at its target (with Kergen on my cockpit screen)

The pod dies in a big way!

Both Kergen and Brog are angry now!