Robotech: Crystal Dreams ROM

Here you can download the ROM image of Robotech: Crystal Dreams for the N64. You will need a N64 emulator to play the ROM on a home computer... I don't know much about emulators, so I have no idea what's available, or how well the ROM will run on a PC.

The ROM image is a build of the game from late 1998. For the most part, it is the same demo we showed at the E3 trade show in May 1998. After Gametek died the following July, I managed to get access to a N64 development system for a couple of weeks, and managed to rebuild the demo version, with a couple of additional but minor improvements (so I could show the ships full-screen in the technical files menu, etc).

The ZIP file actually contains 2 files... the ROM image (robotech.bin) expands out to 16Mb, and the second file is a MS-Word document I wrote with an explanation of all the controls, including how to use a second controller to launch enemy ships to fly against.

Of course, I will remove the ROM instantly if told to do so by whoever bought the rights to the game after Gametek died. The game ROM managed to get out on the internet somehow not long after Gametek died, but it keeps shuffling from site to site, making it difficult for people who want it to find it. If there is any place the image should be posted, it is here... I'm just going to hope that the ROM for an unfinished game on a nearly dead platform won't get me into trouble!

Robotech: Crystal Dreams ROM - (7.4Mb, zip compressed)

An interested hacker recently sent me a patch that fixes a crash bug in the veritech customization menu (in the palette editting). You can either use the provided patch, or a set of Gameshark codes:

R:CD Patch

You can send me mail at

Robotech is copyright and trademark © 1985 by Harmony Gold, USA, Inc.

Robotech: Crystal Dreams and all game related pictures are copyright © 1998 by Gametek, Inc.

Nintendo, N64, and the Nintendo 64 logo are copyright and trademark © Nintendo,.